Research & Publish
Open Access publication funding
In accordance with our Open Access Policy, the University of Graz can partially or fully cover publication costs under certain conditions. This mostly happens in one of two ways: via agreements with publishers or by funding bodies.
- Open Access agreements with publishers
- Funding opportunities for articles
- Funding opportunities for books
As the University of Graz only funds Open Access publications, we have also compiled an overview of external funding bodies that fund printed publications.

AI tools in publishing
In addition to AI tools for generating texts, useful tools are now available for the various phases of the publication process. These support scientists in revising their manuscripts and choosing a suitable journal.
Further information: AI tools in publishing

unipub Open Access publication server
Articles that have already been published can be submitted for secondary publication on the institutional publication server unipub. This Green Open Access version is publicly accessible, which means that search engines can find it in addition to the publisher's version. You can learn more about the process and legal requirements as well as about the different Open Access paths (Green, Gold, Hybrid, Diamond, Black) in our video tutorials "Zweitveröffentlichen auf unipub" and "Wege des Open Access" (in German).

Library Publishing
The publication service Library Publishing, based at the University Library Graz, enables university employees to publish their research results in Open Access as a monograph or in an anthology. Our team have experience with all the stages of producing a book. They are available to advise authors and provide comprehensive instructions and templates, as well as a platform to support the publication process.

Publishing process
It is essential to cite sources correctly and to maintain good scientific practice. The Austrian Agency for Scientific Integrity's guidelines on good scientific practice are the most important resource.
We provide information on important issues
Our video tutorial, "Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis" (in German), gives a short outline of the topic. The University of Graz also offers support and training opportunities for students and researchers via the "Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis" website (also in German).

Publishing Open Access journals
With the support of the publication services, academic journals edited by members of the University of Graz can be published online via unipub and OJS. Twenty-three so-called Diamond Open Access journals from all faculties are currently online.

Fake journals & predatory publishing
"Fake journals" and "predatory publishing" are terms used to describe questionable business models employed by publishers and journals.
For more information, see Fake journals & predatory publishing.

Open Science & research data management
The term Open Science refers to the idea of making research processes and their results freely accessible and reusable. One of the intended outcomes is to enable and encourage people outside the scientific community to become more involved in research processes.
Documenting data, publications and research methods and making them available to others is also increasingly seen as an element of "good scientific practice".
For further information, see Research Data Management at the University of Graz.

Workshops & materials
The publication services regularly offer lectures and workshops as well as short workshops that can be booked individually for courses and research groups. In addition, you can find information materials (including lecture slides, recordings and short videos) that you can use for private study and teaching under Workshops & materials.

Contacts for publication advice
Do you have questions about academic publishing? We can provide you with information and advice on your academic publication.