Open Science - opportunity or challenge?
Vom Leid des mittelalterlichen Schreibers
Lange Nacht des Krimis 21. März 2025
Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
New course programme: efficiency in literature research and management
Mann in the media library. On the 150th birthday of Thomas Mann
Things to consider when talking about language
Pfannkuchen à la 15. Jahrhundert
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Verfasser-Datenbank (Database of Authors)
Indispensable literature reference works combined into a single database. Authors of German-language literature and the German-speaking world from the…
Successfully funded: Funding from the Open Access Publication Fund for books
The publication fund can be used to support academic monographs and edited volumes by members of the University of Graz that are published Open…
Publish in APS, Gold OA RSC und Gold OA De Gruyter journals
New agreement with the American Physical Society (APS); thanks to a consortial contract, you can now also publish in the Royal Society of Chemistry…
Now available: Proceedings of the 1st Austrian Library Congress
New publication from Graz University Library Publishing
Bären in der Steiermark? Lederherstellung im Mittelalter
Leder ist in mittelalterlicher Zeit ein wichtiges Material etwa zur Herstellung von Kleidung, Pergament oder Rüstungsbestandteilen. Welchem Tier wurde…
Brepolis: Sources from antiquity, the Middle Ages and early modern times
The Brepolis online databases published by Brepols bring together primary texts, bibliographies and reference works from antiquity to the early Middle…
Publishing contracts at a glance: Free review by the UB
Are you about to sign a contract with a publisher and want to make sure that all conditions are fair and transparent? The Publication Services…
Umberto Eco – A library of the world
The DVD “Umberto Eco: A Library of the World” takes you into the impressive world of thought of the legendary scholar. Experience a journey through…