Workshops & materials
Workshops and guest lectures
The publication services department at the University Library Graz offer workshops and lectures on various topics every semester. You can sign up in UNIGRAZonline. Participation in the workshops is free of charge for members of the University Library Graz, as well as external visitors.
Current dates and times are under Courses & Events.

Book a short workshop
The short workshops offered by the publication services department cover important topics related to publishing, such as the basics of academic publishing, processes for publishing articles and books, Open Access, legal issues (image and copyright law, Creative Commons licences, publishing contracts), funding for Open Access publishing of articles and books, publishing opportunities at the university (publication server unipub, library publishing), quality issues (journal selection criteria, predatory publishing), visibility (Academic Search Engine Optimization) and the basics of bibliometrics.
The short workshops can be booked individually and free of charge for courses, institute or faculty events and project and research groups. They last between 30 and 45 minutes but can be adapted to suit the time available. On request, several topics can be combined into a longer workshop - for example, two or three topics can be combined to create a complete 90-minute unit for your course.
Please send enquiries toub.publikationsservices(at)

The short videos and most of the slide sets have a Creative Commons licence and can be re-used under the terms of the licence. Please note that the use of material without a Creative Commons licence is subject to Austrian copyright law.

Slide sets (in German)
- Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO) (pdf)
- ORCID, Sichtbarkeit und Publikationsförderung (pdf)
- Fake Journals & Predatory Publishing (pdf)
- Messen, zählen, vergleichen – Wie Publikationen evaluiert werden (pdf)
Recordings of past events (in German, unless otherwise indicated)
- Sichtbarkeit und Academic SEO für Publikationen, Mag. Dr. Lisa Schilhan, 04.11.2021
- Open Science – warum und wie?, Dr. Katja Mayer (Uni Wien), 20.10.2021
- De Gruyter – Wissenschaftliches Publizieren für GEWI und THEO, Dr. Elisabeth Kempf (De Gruyter), 22.6.2021
- Vorsicht, Falle! Fake Journals, Predatory Publishing & Co., MMag. Karin Lackner, 16.06.2021
- The Goldilocks Effect – STEM Publishing with de Gruyter, Karin Sora, Beata Socha, 09.06.2021 ENGLISH!
- Publishing in Journals: Behind the Scenes, Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Palan (Uni Graz), 26.5.2021 ENGLISH!
- Publishing workflows and Open Access models at Brill, Katie Chin (Brill), 11.05.2021 ENGLISH!
- Verwertungsrechte – Tantiemen & Patente, Veranstaltung der Publikationsservices der Uni Graz und TU Graz, 20.4.2021
- Peer Review in der Wissenschaft, Dr. Thomas König (IHS), 23.03.2021
- Erfolgreich Bücher publizieren! Verlagsangebote und -verträge unter der Lupe, Mag. Elisabeth Stadler, 13.01.2021
Short videos
- You can find the publication services short videos in the "Scientific Publishing" section on the Video Tutorials page.
Anthology "Publikationsberatung an Universitäten"
- Here you will find supplementary materials and collections of links relating to the volume "Publikationsberatung an Universitäten. Ein Praxisleitfaden zum Aufbau publikationsunterstützder Services" (Bielefeld, transcript, 2020), The collection of materials was compiled by the editors and does not claim to be complete. The editors aimed to make a reasonable and clear selection rather than a collection of as many links and documents as possible. Many of the documents were created by the University of Graz publication services department for their own advisory activities, lectures and workshops. Materials provided by the anthology authors are marked accordingly. Download as a ZIP file.