Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3)
The University Library Graz is participating in the international project SCOAP³, which aims to completely convert established subscription journals on high energy physics to an Open Access model. Participation enables members of the University of Graz to publish Open Access in SCOAP3 free of charge.
Conditions for funding: the corresponding author must be affiliated with the University of Graz and state this affiliation in the article (see the University of Graz affiliation guidelines for instructions on how to do this).
Eligible for funding:
- Journal: the following high energy physics journals (see also the title list):
- Acta Physica Polonica B (APP B) (Jagiellonen University in Krakow),
- Advances in High Energy Physics (AHEP) (Hindawi),
- Chinese Physics C (CPC) (IOP Publishing),
- European Physical Journal C (EPJ C) (Springer),
- Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) (Springer).
- Nuclear Physics B (NPB) (Elsevier),
- Physics Letters B (PLB) (Elsevier),
- Physical Review C (PRC) (APS Physics),
- Physical Review D (PRD) (APS Physics),
- Physical Review Letters (PRL) (APS Physics),
- Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP) (Oxford University Press).
- Fee: in full
Creative Commons licence: CC BY (Attention! CC BY is compulsory for articles with FWF funding.)

To be identified as an eligible corresponding author:
- list the University of Graz as (one of) your affiliation(s) in the article (note the affiliation guidelines).
- submit the article from your institutional e-mail address (i.e., @uni-graz.at or @edu.uni-graz.at).
- state your SCOAP3 membership during the submission process to any of the journals listed above.
After publication
- The author is responsible for entering the article in the research portal (access via your UNIGRAZonline business card or the Research Portal of the University of Graz – see the intranet for information and instructions).
- Recommendation in accordance with the University of Graz Open Access policy: please make published articles available in the institutional repository unipub (secondary publication) as long as there is no severe legal or financial reason not to do so.
- Articles can be changed to Open Access at a later date. (Please contact ub.zeitschriften(at)uni-graz.at if you want to do this). Attention: articles with FWF funding cannot be changed to Open Access at a later date!