Conditions for funding:
- The article’s corresponding author must be affiliated with the University of Graz when the article is accepted for publication and state this affiliation in the article (see the University of Graz affiliation guidelines for instructions on how to do this).
- The Open Access fees are not already covered by project funds or grants (except for FWF grants, which are handled by the University of Graz).
- Articles with University of Graz funding must include the University of Graz in the acknowledgements. (Recommended wording: "The authors acknowledge the financial support by the University of Graz." or "Dieser Artikel wurde durch finanzielle Unterstützung der Universität Graz Open Access publiziert.")
- Articles with FWF funding must include the FWF in the acknowledgements of the submitted version of the article using the following sentence: "This research was funded in whole, or in part, by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [grant DOI]. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission."
Eligible for funding:
- Journal: see title list. (If your chosen journal is not included in the title list but is listed in the DOAJ, please contact the publication services team). Journals excluded from the agreement: title list.
- Article type: original research papers, review papers, brief communications, short reports and case reports.
- Article Processing Charges (APCs), but no additional charges (such as page charges, colour charges or submission fees).
Creative Commons licence: CC BY, CC BY-NC (Attention! CC BY is compulsory for articles with FWF funding.)

To be identified as an eligible corresponding author by Sage:
- list the University of Graz as (one of) your affiliation(s) in the article (note the affiliation guidelines).
- submit the article from your institutional e-mail address (i.e., or
- E-mail from Sage: the corresponding author is informed about the option of publishing in Open Access at a reduced price within the framework of the KEMÖ agreement.
- On the website:
- under “payment options”, select "Open Access" and "yes, make my article open access".
- after you see "no charge to you", select the CC licence.
After publication
- The author is responsible for entering the article in the research portal (access via your UNIGRAZonline business card or the Research Portal of the University of Graz – see the intranet for information and instructions).
- Recommendation in accordance with the University of Graz Open Access policy: please make published articles available in the institutional repository unipub (secondary publication) as long as there is no severe legal or financial reason not to do so.
- Unfortunately, it is not usually possible to make the article Open Access at a later date. Changing an article to Open Access later is only possible if Sage failed to identify the corresponding author as eligible in time (when the article was accepted at the latest). Please contact ub.zeitschriften(at) if you need assistance with this. Attention: articles with FWF funding cannot be changed to Open Access at a later date!