Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Conditions for funding:
- Please note: this journal is not compliant with the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)!
- The article’s corresponding author must be affiliated with the University of Graz and state this affiliation in the article (see the University of Graz affiliation guidelines for instructions on how to do this).
- There is a discount of $500 on the APC for articles that are published Open Access straight away. There is no funding for delayed Open Access publication.
Workflow for corresponding authors: choose "Immediate Open Access":
- Creative Commons licence: CC BY or CC BY-NC-ND
- Article Processing Charges (APCs): There is a $500 discount on the APC. The cost to the author is therefore $5,300. This price includes all fees (including page charges for articles up to 12 pages in length).
(Prices as of 10.05.2024. We are not responsible for the accuracy of information on fees—please check the website!)

After publication
- The author is responsible for entering the article in the research portal (access via your UNIGRAZonline business card or the Research Portal of the University of Graz – see the intranet for information and instructions).
- Recommendation in accordance with the University of Graz Open Access policy: please make published articles available in the institutional repository unipub (secondary publication) as long as there is no severe legal or financial reason not to do so.