After publishing
Open Access secondary publication
The so-called Green Road to Open Access refers to the secondary publication of scientific research results on Open Access publication servers, also known as repositories. The University of Graz has set up the publication server unipub as an institutional repository for researchers.

Academic social networks
Academic social networks offer the opportunity to exchange ideas with peers and share publications if this is legally possible. The best known are ResearchGate and By keeping your author profile up to date (they are often created automatically), you can contribute to the visibility of your research achievements.

Bibliometrics and altmetrics
Bibliometrics deals with the quantitative measurement of the impact of articles, journals and academic institutions on the basis of citation analyses. Well-known metrics are the impact factor, the h-index and the Eigenfactor.
Altmetrics measure the attention that an academic publication receives on websites, (academic) social media, etc.

Keep personal profiles up to date
Author profiles are created automatically in academic search engines like Google Scholar, databases such as Web of Science or Scopus and academic social networks such as ResearchGate and These are often incomplete or incorrect and need to be updated manually. In many cases, articles are incorrectly attributed, or the affiliation needs to be corrected or updated. As the profiles only list those publications included in that particular platform, it is advisable to set up a platform-independent profile with ORCID®.

Making research data accessible
Disclosing research data improves the traceability of research results and makes it easier to reuse research data. More and more funding bodies, as well as publishers and institutions, are therefore demanding data management plans and free access to research data where this is possible and reasonable.
Further information: Research management at the University of Graz