“Read and publish“ contracts create legal security for the university and help reduce the overall costs of reading and publishing.
American Physical Society (APS):
Under the Read and Publish agreement negotiated between the University Library Graz and the publisher American Physical Society (APS) through the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ), corresponding authors from the University of Graz can now easily publish in selected APS journals at no additional cost.
Further information on our APS funding opportunities (including eligible journals and article types).
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC):
Under the Read and Publish agreement negotiated between the University Library Graz and the publisher Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) through the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ), corresponding authors from the University of Graz can now easily publish not only in hybrid Open Access journals but also Gold Open Access journals at no additional cost.
Further information on our RSC funding opportunities (including eligible journals and article types).
De Gruyter:
Under the Read and Publish agreement negotiated between the University Library Graz and the publisher De Gruyter through the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ), corresponding authors from the University of Graz can now easily publish not only in hybrid Open Access journals but also Gold Open Access journals at no additional cost.
Further information on our RSC funding opportunities (including eligible journals and article types).
If you have any questions, please contact ub.zeitschriften(at)uni-graz.at.