The idea of "open science" has long been established in many disciplines and research institutions and promises, among other things, better verifiability of research results and thus more trust in science; faster knowledge gain through more exchange, cooperation and reuse; more fairness in terms of access to tools and infrastructure. However, it also harbours challenges: These can be of a technical and organisational nature (development, financing and governance of platforms, software, etc.) or lie in different perceptions of the best possible use and dissemination of scientific knowledge. In addition, ethical and legal principles (handling of laboratory animals or test subjects, anonymisation of research data, exploitation of research results, etc.) influence the handling of open science.
During this conference, people from different areas of work at the University of Graz will comment on these aspects and report on them from their own perspective.
Details of the programme and the speakers can be found here (pdf). For organisational reasons, please register for the event.