Use of historical holdings
Please note that some stocks that are not stored on site have to be ordered and delivered. Therefore, please allow sufficient lead time for your visit. Form for the use of historical holdings.

Literature search & consulting
Holdings of the Special Collections are largely listed in unikat and in the nominal catalog. Further research possibilities are offered by the reference libraries in the reading room of the special collections.
If you have any further questions, please contact ub.sosa(at)

Reading room guidelines
Eating and drinking is not permitted in the reading room. You are welcome to leave your jackets and bags at the checkroom on the ground floor. Please wash your hands thoroughly before each visit to the Special Collections and use only pencils as writing tools. For more details, please refer to the regulations for use.

Courses & guided tours
Teaching events are always welcome in our reading room. If you would like to work with your students on objects in our reading room or have an introduction to the use of special materials for students, please contact us by e-mail.
If you would like to book a guided tour of the special collections, please register here.