Research, internships and continuing education
Sponsored internships
The Restoration Department of the University Biblitohek Graz - Special Collections offers students the opportunity to complete a paid internship for a maximum duration of two months. On average, there are two such internships per year. The internship focuses on preventive measures and includes dry cleaning, making protective containers for books and fragments, and assisting in the condition survey of the Special Collections. Interest in book conservation and good manual skills are prerequisites for a funded internship.

Internships for students
We also offer unpaid internships for students of the University of Graz or students of restoration, who thereby gain practical experience for their studies. The duration of the internships varies and depends on the needs of the students and the availability of the supervisors. During the internship, students can experience the daily workings of the conservation studio and participate in preventive and restorative activities. The interns are supervised at all times. For students within the EU there is the possibility of funding through Erasmus.

Professional internships
Qualified conservators have the opportunity to work in our conservation studio for one to six months on a project of their interest. Interns are expected to work independently with minimal supervision. Whether these internships are funded depends on the applicant and the agreements of their home institutions with the University of Graz.

Research projects
The Conservation Department welcomes inquiries from researchers and students interested in conservation methods, the materiality of books and paper, codicology, book illumination, and letterpress printing.