Training and continuing education
As one of four training libraries in Austria, we offer a diverse education, training and continuing education program in the field of librarianship. The education and training team at Graz University Library supports professional development in the context of lifelong learning.
Contact us at ub.ulglis(at)

University course "Library and Information Studies" (basic course)
The aim of the university course is to provide sound and practical training for the activities in libraries and information institutions, which are characterized by the constant developments in technology.
The 2-stage structure of the course takes into account the diverse requirements of the profession.
Degree: Academic library and information expert
Prerequisite: Matura or university entrance qualification examination
Duration: 2 semesters of full-time study or 3 semesters of job-empowering study, 30 semester hours of theory, professional practice and project work for a total of 60 ECTS
- Library and collection management
- Information organization
- Information Technology
- Information services and mediation skills
- Project
- Professional Practice
- Professional specialization
- Hands-on training:
- 7.5 weeks of professional practice
- 3.5 weeks of project work
Course fee: 6.000,- Euro
Contact and further information: UNI for LIFE.
In order to receive current information about the basic course, please subscribe to the list of interested persons.
Library, Information and Documentation Training Course
The training for employees with intermediate qualifications in academic libraries, information and documentation facilities (BID) offers a professionally sound basic training in the areas of operational organization, media forms and development, information retrieval and legal principles.
The student's own communication skills and the use of English-language specialist terminology are trained and tested within the framework of teaching units. An extensive practical part rounds off the training and serves to apply what has been learned at one's own workplace or to get to know other departments of the training library and an external BID institution.
Archive, Library, and Information Assistant (ABI-Ass.) apprenticeship
Archive, Library and Information Assistants (ABI-Ass.) work in libraries, documentation centers, archives or similar institutions. They record the acquired media, information and data and make them accessible. To do this, they work with modern documentation programs and databases. They have contact with the customers (readers, students, teachers and researchers) of the respective institutions, but also with suppliers, booksellers or publishers.
Duration of classes: 12 weeks per school year in blocks
Accommodation: Apprentice hostel
Continuing education
Our continuing education programs aim to provide library staff with new perspectives, knowledge and expertise.
The practice-oriented continuing education program 4L - Lifelong Learning for Librarians provides on the one hand one-day courses on current library issues, on the other hand the elective courses of the university course Library and Information Studies as well as the modules of the certificate courses are opened for continuing education according to the availability of places.
The program is lively and is constantly adapted and expanded during the semester. Courses are held in Vienna as well as in Graz and Innsbruck.
Click here for all programs in Austria.
Click here to go directly to the seminar program (4L) in Graz.
Contact us at ub.fortbildung(at)

As an academic library, we want to impart both theoretical and practical knowledge. An internship can provide valuable insights into the multi-layered library world.
In order to complete an internship at Graz University Library, one of the following requirements is necessary:
- Compulsory internship as part of an education
- Erasmus internships
- Free internships exclusively with own insurance coverage (e.g. via AMS, vocational support programs, vocational rehabilitation, educational and social service providers ...)
We ask for your understanding that internship requests can only be answered positively according to free capacities.
Contact us at ub.fortbildung(at)

Here you can find current job advertisements at the University of Graz.