For a trial period, the University Library Graz is offering campus-wide access to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford DNB) until 31 March 2024. Remote access via VPN is also available for members of the University of Graz. Some free resources, including a bi-monthly podcast, are also available in the Oxford DNB.
About the Oxford DNB
- over 60,000 biographies
- 2,500 years of history
- 11,000 portraits of significant, influential or notorious figures who shaped British history
The Oxford DNB is edited by subject specialists at the University of Oxford (UK) and published by Oxford University Press (OUP). The database contains information on tens of thousands of people who have shaped British history and culture worldwide, from the Romans to the 21st century - including Sir Christopher Wren (architect, astronomer and mathematician), Abbas Hilmi (the last Khedive of Egypt), Rudolph Ackermann (publisher), Lionel Barrymore (actor) and Elizabeth Chalmers Mackenzie (nurse).
These entries, which are exclusively in English, contain biographical information, in some cases a photograph or portrait of the person and a description of their most important life events and achievements, as well as the author's name and the original publication date of the text. Lastly, each entry contains a list of the sources consulted. As the entries have a DOI in addition to these references, they are of particular value when researching and writing essays and seminar papers.
In addition to individuals, the database also contains entries on reference groups. These are regularly published, public essays on well-known historical groups that make connections between individuals in the Oxford DNB. There are over 320 such group essays, for example, on the Royal Society, the Erasmus Circle and the Pendle witches.
You can also filter by personal metrics, such as professions (in science and technology, business and finance, medicine and health, music, politics, media and performing arts, sports and even royalty) or religious affiliation.
If you have any questions, please contact ub.zeitschriften(at)